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How Casinos Affect Local Employment

How Casinos Affect Local Employment

The word casino comes from the Italian city of Casin, meaning “little house”. Casinos offer gamblers a wide range of games, and some even have top-notch hotels and restaurants. Some casinos are open around the clock, while others are only opened during certain hours of the day.

Most modern casinos have a high degree of automation and supervision. Many slot machines are wired to a central server so that statistical deviations from expected results are immediately detected; roulette wheels are monitored electronically and the spinners’ actions are recorded by cameras so that any suspicious activities can be stopped. Casinos also rely on technology to supervise their employees. Casino security guards often stand near slot machines to monitor them closely; and blackjack tables are equipped with systems that enable them to oversee the exact amounts wagered minute by minute.

In games where there is an element of skill, the casino has a built-in advantage over players, known as the “house edge”. The house edge is based on mathematically determined odds that are uniformly negative (from a player’s point of view) for all possible hands. In games where patrons play against each other, such as poker, the casino earns money via a commission known as rake.

Casino proponents often use the drop in local unemployment rates following the introduction of a casino as proof that casinos improve local employment. But the change in local unemployment rates should be compared to the change in statewide unemployment rates during the same period to see if the local decrease is due to the new casino or a natural business cycle. It is also important to know whether the work force in the new casino will be predominantly from the local population or will require a skilled labor force from outside the area.